Yearling heifer: BEM Xaralyn. "Sara" is a registered red heifer, DOB March 19, 2010. Her dam was the 2008 Grand Ch. Female at the Highland Regional Show and the 2010 Gr. Ch. Cow/Calf. Sara is halter broken and has been shown. She's friendly and curious, and loves being combed. She's ready to be bred this coming spring. Asking $1400.
Sara comes from growthy stock with good feet and movement, dams do well in the show ring and are proven producers. Highlanders are hardy, and thrive on just pasture, hay, and a mineral block, producing lean, flavorful beef. These are grass-fed animals, and have received a handful of grain only a few times, just so that they know what it is.
For more information, call (360) 802-8906 or reply by email (I have more pictures available).